Elemental Inspector:
A frequency histogram so you can easily see where your soul is peaking and shape it accordingly.
A frequency histogram so you can easily see where your soul is peaking and shape it accordingly.
A pitch detector/corrector. Used excessively on virtually all modern vocal and music tracks. Truly the tool of the devil.
For syncronized filter modulation and corpulent distortion settings.
For all your whooshy whoosh and clickity click needs.
Can impart a synchonized psychedellia to just about anything.
Have a drum pattern modulate vocal ooohs and aaaahs. Trippy.
Awesome for smoothing out bass guitar and for softening the master bus.
It looks and sounds gorgeous. Used on lead vocals and the master bus.
Excellent for gating out drum bleed or the rustle of your singer's lyric sheet.
Can be used for good and evil. Mostly for evil, though.
Super cool sequenced gate can make long sustaning guitar chords sound like a perfectly synched-up, stuttering robot!
A guitar amp that almost never gets used on guitars. Sounds great on kick drum and backup vocals.
Only the most adventurous soul can find a spot for the ring modulator, but when it happens it's freakalicious.
Everything from super-high quality pianos to drum kits to loops and whooshy whoosh. About 48 gigs worth of samples.
For making breakdowns sound brokedown.
Small, not very pretty, but super fat. Used on drum room mics and vocals.
Used to convert Audio to MIDI, you can painstakingly make your drummer's shitty kit sound like a Phil Collins production.
A tube simulation that gets heavy use on everything, including the master bus.
Super high quality reverb.
Tips, tricks, hints, cheats and walk-through's. Some of what I've learned through years of playing, mixing, recording, and wrapping cables.
My advice for bands and live performances can best summed up as:
Do the best you can with what you have. At a minimum,
do no harm. At maximum every consideration should be made for Quality
and Efficiency.